News Center
2020-10-16 新疆地區第十座移動式隧道窯合同簽訂并收到訂金
2020-09-25 南通恒達參展第34屆中國節能綠色墻體屋面產業博覽會
2020-09-08 南通恒達公司新廠房舉行開工奠基儀式
2020-09-01 大豐旋轉窯項目開工
2020-08-14 HDMT12型免托板砌塊成型機推介會
2020-06-17 welcome to visit hengda canton fair booth
2020-06-11 Welcome to 127th online canton fair
2020-06-07 熱烈祝賀南通恒達集團旗下子公司南通歐力達建筑科技有限公司開業!
Hengda was founded
Production bases
Series products
Patents and Honors
About Hengda
Nantong Hengda machinery manufacturing Co.,Ltd. Nantong Hengda Non-Burned Machinery Engineering Co., Ltd.(Jiangsu,China) is a council member unit of China Brick & Tile Association and also the designated enterprise by the state of brick & tile machinery. We have passed ISO9001 (2000 version) International Quality Certification. Our products were awarded as "Chinese Brick & Tile Famous Excellent Products" by the Brick & Tile Industry Association of China.
Production bases、 中文域名:磚機.中國
Vacuum extruder base:South of Longzheng bridge, Hai'an City, Nantong, Jiangsu, China Hotline:13390933299、13390931366 Tel:0513-88802113
Concrete block machine base:No. 288 Changjiang West Road, Haian City, Nantong, Jiangsu, China Hotline:13328080626 Tel:0513-88800288
International trade department Hotline:0513-88801016、13255238000 QQ:363208670
Mobile website